Note: The following examples include experiences with various bands, ranging from Provo-based rock bands to university performing groups to solo work.
Here we go...
I once played the Confetti Antiques and Books release party for one of the Twilight books. Attendees were mostly pre-teen girls and middle-aged women. And the band was in black tie for some reason.
I once sang the Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Can't Stop" to a basketball arena full of screaming freshmen at BYU's new student orientation. No one in the audience or band knew what that song is about. Still don't.
I played an ABBA medley in Stockholm to such thunderous cheering and applause you'd have thought we were ABBA in the flesh.
I once improvised a song for a live audience in the middle of a pop/rock set. The lyrics described the story of an audience member who ran over a sheep on the way to seminary. I'm never doing that again.
My good friend and I won a songwriting competition and I played our winning entry at a replica pioneer village. My self-confidence was so bolstered that night that I actually successfully flirted with my crush. Yep. Victory.
I once sang at a prison.
Lindsey Stirling opened for my band once.
At a competition, my band once beat Imagine Dragons.
I once played a rock song for a stadium full of people and got booed by the country fans in the front who were there to see Brad Paisley. Also, I got my picture taken with Brad Paisley.
I played "Fire" by Jimi Hendrix with a one-gig band that included Robbie Connolly of Fictionist. He and I screamed into the same mic. For me, that's like saying I played Basketball with LeBron James. I did not deserve to be on that stage that night, but I have never been so possessed by the spirit of rock and roll.
I once sang "Billie Jean" at a Mother's Day event at Deseret Book across the street from Temple Square, with the temple in full view. I felt so awkward about singing those lyrics in that setting that I changed the words to "Billie Jean is not my mother." Yeah, it made no sense.
I played my wife a love song I wrote for her at our wedding reception, thereby technically making our wedding reception a gig. Best. Gig. Ever.
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